Winterizing check list - anybody use one?


Staff member
We are now living in the trailer and hoping that we don't se -16°F again like we did last year. We'll have to winterize a couple times in the next three months. Does anyone use a winterizing checklist or do you wing it?
Wing it.

Really the only thing I do is drain the water heater, blow out the lines with air, and dump a bit of antifreeze down the drains.

I'm usually farting around in the thing all winter long doing different projects and the like so it will get heated now and then and the solar panel keeps the battery charged when it isn't plugged in, so I don't do anything there.

Currently, all of the bedding and cushions in the thing are stacked up on the front bed waiting for me to start cutting on the upper rear bunk and making a mess.
We have a washing machine, ice maker, and I'm trying to think if there is anything else that's easy to forget, like maybe emptying and bypassing the water filers. I think I'll make a check list and post it here, if anyone wants to add something we can.
My water filter is one thing I did give some thought to. Obviously, it doesn't blow out like everything else, but maybe 1/4 of the water does come out when I run air through it. It will be interesting to see what happens to it. I think it will be fine, but it is a fairly cheap filter enclosure so it won't break my heart if it cracks, I'll just get another one and the next time I'll split it apart.

I don't think it gets cold enough, long enough here to hurt it, and I think there's enough space in there for it to freeze and not hurt anything.
My water filter is one thing I did give some thought to. Obviously, it doesn't blow out like everything else, but maybe 1/4 of the water does come out when I run air through it. It will be interesting to see what happens to it. I think it will be fine, but it is a fairly cheap filter enclosure so it won't break my heart if it cracks, I'll just get another one and the next time I'll split it apart.
I wouldn't leave water sit in the filter too long, else you'll likely get biologics growing in it. My limit is one week with no flow, then I take the elements out and let them dry.
I wouldn't leave water sit in the filter too long, else you'll likely get biologics growing in it. My limit is one week with no flow, then I take the elements out and let them dry.
Good point, I'll have to start doing that.
I actually just came across something that falls into the 'why didn't I think of that category for the water filter element.

Take your water filter element out, stick it in a plastic bag, and chuck it in the freezer. (Maybe give it a quick rinse if there's anything on it.)

Makes sense to me. Should keep anything bad from growing on it and you don't have to worry about drying it.
don't have to worry about drying it.
I just leave my filers in the dish drying rack for a couple days until they stop dripping, then they finish on the kitchen counter. When dry, they go back in the trailer.
Just added about 20 gallons of water and repressurized the system today for our first trip of 2024 here in another week or so. No leaks, no breaks, and everything good to go. I also insulated my low point drains, which I've meant to do now for a while since they dangle out in the air.

I probably won't bother to blow the lines clear again this year unless we get another cold snap where night time temps dip into the 20's.

I would have done it closer to depart time, but I have a conference to go to on Monday and I'm coming home Thursday, hitching up the rig and heading for NC, so it needs to be ready to go by the time I get home.