I wouldn't leave water sit in the filter too long, else you'll likely get biologics growing in it. My limit is one week with no flow, then I take the elements out and let them dry.My water filter is one thing I did give some thought to. Obviously, it doesn't blow out like everything else, but maybe 1/4 of the water does come out when I run air through it. It will be interesting to see what happens to it. I think it will be fine, but it is a fairly cheap filter enclosure so it won't break my heart if it cracks, I'll just get another one and the next time I'll split it apart.
Good point, I'll have to start doing that.I wouldn't leave water sit in the filter too long, else you'll likely get biologics growing in it. My limit is one week with no flow, then I take the elements out and let them dry.
I just leave my filers in the dish drying rack for a couple days until they stop dripping, then they finish on the kitchen counter. When dry, they go back in the trailer.don't have to worry about drying it.