Some setup photos


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Current setup at Dosewallips State Park in Washington State.

With the old 02 2500HD at Dosewallips.

Trailer set up at Schafer State park.

How are you liking the truck? I go back and forth about regretting the diesel and I sure hope I don't end up regretting it because of all the exhaust after treatment stuff.
I tell you what Wayne I love the truck. It was been much better than expected and find myself driving it more than I thought I would. I would never regret a diesel. I can't even imagine how one pulls. My ole' 6.0/6 speed does really well. I can only think a diesel would not even know my trailer is back there. That is one reason I didn't test drive one...I didn't want to like it too much. My retirement truck will be a diesel. I should have no problem getting 12 to 14 years out of this one at maybe 5,000 miles a year. That will put me right at 103,000 miles. I got 10 years out of the ole 02 2500HD and it never let me down, just chugged along.
The diesel pulls sooo nice. I can set my cruise on 65 in hills and the trans never shifts, the engine just runs along at 1,500 RPMs all day getting 14 MPG. My favorite part of the diesel is the engine brake. I've pulled I-70 in the mountains west of Denver 6 times now. Going down the long grades from the Eisenhower tunnel and Vail Pass you may have to touch the brakes a couple times, or if you're not full of water, maybe no brakes at all.
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The diesel pulls sooo nice. I can set my cruise on 65 in hills and the trans never shifts, the engine just runs along at 1,500 RPMs all day getting 14 MPG. My favorite part of the diesel is the engine brake. I've pulled I-70 in the mountains west of Denver 6 times now. Going down the long grades from the Eisenhower tunnel and Vail Pass you may have to touch the brakes a couple times, or if you're not full of water, maybe no brakes at all.
I know, next truck for sure, but like I said really happy with my Gas job for now.
My buddy has an 18 Diesel Denali. What a beast so much torque!!
I'm with you Mike, I love the diesel, but you may be the smart one, because you'll never have diesel exhaust after treatment regret :)
I'm with you Mike, I love the diesel, but you may be the smart one, because you'll never have diesel exhaust after treatment regret :)
Not sure I would have...have you seen my two stupid cars...heads/cam/intake/exhaust/ford 9 inch in one, Cam/exhaust in the other. Both over 400hp and 400 ft/lbs of torque to the wheels. I kind of like the powerful stuff. :) :D...Just not a truck guy but the 2017 may have change my mind.