San Bernardino CA fun facts


Staff member
I was researching some stuff online regarding counties and came across this fact ...

San Bernardino County in California is the largest county in the USA.

HOW BIG IS IT? (the crowd chanted in unison )
Well, folks, I'll tell you ...

This one county is:
- 20,105 square miles.
- larger than these individual states: MD, HI, MA, VT, NH, NJ, CT, DE, RI (and also all of the US territories and D.C.)
- larger than the states of RI, DE, CT and NJ combined!
- it is approximately 1/2 the entire state of KY

To be honest, other than the namesake city, there ain't a whole lot out there. It's not completely devoid of life in the outskirts, but it's not teeming with activity either.
(Also, because AK has no counties, they can't play this reindeer game. Nor does LA have counties; they have parishes, but they are all really small comparatively speaking.)

The red-dotted outlined area is SB County in this map.

I don't think Louisiana has counties either.
then again some States aren't states at all but are Commonwealths.
while others are Republics.

It is all so confusing. :)
I have driven through San Bernardino County on I-15, I-40, I-10 in the corner of the county, and US-395. Most of the county, other than the extreme southwest corner has very little population. Most of it is desert and pretty to drive through, but can have extremely hot conditions in the summer. The grade from Baker to Mountain Pass eastbound commonly has stalled vehicles in the summer heat. I think the grade averages 3-5% for 17 miles. You gotta be prepared to handle that grade if you are pulling.

Map zoomed in a bit:
