Origin of the river's name "Cache la Poudre"


Staff member
I was riding my bike on Bingham Hill Road and stopped at this plaque to see what it said. The name "Cache la Poudre" which around here people will tell you it means "hide the powder", but it's not proper French. The actual phrase in proper French is "Cache a la Poudre" which means "cache of powder". It all means the same to me.


Google streetview. The road looks flat, but nothing is flat around here. Just past the silo is where your legs and lungs burn. Long steep grades.

We drove up Poudre canyon past Stove Prairie Rd to a picnic area when we were there. I wouldn't let the dogs in the water, the river has quite a drop and runs really fast. I didn't see any slow water anywhere in the canyon.
yeah Wayne, it is where you store the powder..
cache being a fur trappers bastardization of French word for a place to store stuff..
powder is self explanatory.
I've been to the headwaters of that river..

funny thing when you start picking up all the different language names
US being full of French and Spanish as well as native words.. and their Anglicized bastardizations.
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