I discovered this website a couple weeks ago:
You can subscribe to an email that lets you know about 12 hours in advance when you can spot the station during nighttime hours.
We were sitting in the hot tub tonight and sure enough it was visible exactly when and were it was supposed to be. It's very bright and I would think it could be spotted even from near cities.
A fun thing to do when you are sitting around a camp fire.

International Space Station
See the International Space Station! As the third brightest object in the sky the space station is easy to see if you know when to look up.
You can subscribe to an email that lets you know about 12 hours in advance when you can spot the station during nighttime hours.
We were sitting in the hot tub tonight and sure enough it was visible exactly when and were it was supposed to be. It's very bright and I would think it could be spotted even from near cities.
A fun thing to do when you are sitting around a camp fire.