Guy in Rocky Mountain NP urging his kid to go stand by a bull elk


Staff member
If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.

I was sitting in the truck in the lower Bear Lake parking lot waiting for the rest of the crew to get off the bus. I was watching this bull elk for about 10 minutes munch on a bush about 30 feet from the front of my vehicle. The guy in the picture had his about 10 year old son with him who is not visible in this picture. He had his son walk up to about 10 feet from the elk so he could get a picture. I put the phone down and yelled a few choice words at the guy about his intelligence. He looked at me like I was the one who was out of my mind. He did leave after taking a couple few more pictures. Clearly ignorant and clearly so ignorant that he didn't know to error on the side of caution.

Wow stuff like that amazes me. Some people probably need parenting lessons or more like they should not be parents. At least in my opinion.
Wow stuff like that amazes me. Some people probably need parenting lessons or more like they should not be parents. At least in my opinion.
Pretty much what he said.

It's too bad there were a kid involved, if it is just a bunch of 'adults' I'd just let nature take its course.
if the young man survives the event, he should move up to teasing mama bear and her cubs..
It's too bad there were a kid involved, if it is just a bunch of 'adults' I'd just let nature take its course.

The adults take on their own risk, but kids trust their parents. This kid didn't know how incredibly stupid his father is.