Eevelle Goldline cover for the 5th wheel

This cover is rated 5 out of 5 for UV protection. You can barely see a bright flashlight through the cover fabric. It wasn't cheap, but some covers are. You can buy a cover that is rated 1 out of 5 for UV protection for < $100. When I take the cover off next spring, I will take note.
yeah. I'm in FLA, so the weather is different here.. sun eats things to pieces and in the summer since it rains every day and is quite humid, those covers tend to get mold on the inside if the machinery doesn't get aired out.
so maybe my comment don't apply to you very much.

I grew up in Michigan. my dad never covered or garaged any RV's.
I don't remember them ever having any problems from being outside
whereas down where I live if you dont keep em washed they look like a science fair project in a few years..
I agree, especially after our pack rat experience last winter. I have rodent repellents in use now.
yep, parked RV's are mice magnets.
better if you go in the RV regularly and disturb potential mice than if left alone.
I dont know what it is about wires but mice sure like to gnaw on them
speaking of that, I was adding a brace under the front storage of my fiver the other day and I noticed wasps
flying in and out of the stinky slinky storage tube.
which means I need to go out there and kills some wasps.
I'm in FLA, so the weather is different here.. sun eats things to pieces
In Colorado at 5000' the sun is stupid hot. Cars that sit outside all the time get their clear coat eaten off and headlight and taillight lenses clouded. We park all three vehicles in the garage to keep the sun off of them. We looked for quite a while to find a house with a three car garage that was deep enough to park a dually inside and had 9' wide doors.
In Colorado at 5000' the sun is stupid hot. Cars that sit outside all the time get their clear coat eaten off and headlight and taillight lenses clouded. We park all three vehicles in the garage to keep the sun off of them. We looked for quite a while to find a house with a three car garage that was deep enough to park a dually inside and had 9' wide doors.
yeah, thin air at altitude provide more UV than lower altitudes at same latitude/

check this out for UV,,, where you are

where I am
Great site!!

My weather window says it's severe clear today. I'm surprised how much more UV you get.
you shouldn't be surprised about the UV... it is a trigonometric fact the closer to the equator the higher the sun rides in the sky so the sunshine is more direct..
you still have about 95% of the earths atmosphere acting as a filter at the altitude where you live.. plus its autumn..