Do you let your dogs in the RV alone?


Active member
We don't ever. Cattledogs are protective by nature and will bark when they hear someone outside the house or trailer. I'm not going to be that jerk who's dogs bark and bark when I'm not there. Also I'm just uncomfortable leaving them in the trailer and going any distance away. It does limit what we can do sometimes but we signed up for the dog life.
We do. Ours won't bark at anything unless someone were to walk up and knock on the door. Usually she just jumps up on the bed and puts her butt on my pillow. I've taken to making sure that I hide it under the comforter before we leave.
We do as well. All three stay there whenever we go out. We also use walks to tire them out and use a noise maker or fan to cover the background noise. We have never had a problem that we know of. None of them will bark their heads off, maybe a guard bark or two, but that's it.
Our old cattledog defends the homestead. The younger one barks from sympathetic detonation unless someone knocks then she gets serious.
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9 times out of 10 this is how you'll find the little turd when we come back from wherever we've been.


Or she'll crawl into the rear bunk


Either way, she's perfectly content when we're gone. She doesn't have separation anxiety or anything, and like I said, doesn't bark unless someone were to knock on the camper.
we have 2 small dogs... so we have what amounts to a playpen for the dogs.
if we are going to be gone for an extended period of time, we leave a potty paper in there, as well as their food and water..