Bobby Brown Park - Elberton, GA


Well-known member

Stay Dates - July 29-30, 2022
Site#: 6
Site Type: Back In
Full Hookups: No (Water+Electric - Dump Station at park exit)
Bob Rating: 8/10
Wife Rating: 8/10
Would Stay Again?: Yes

Bobby Brown is actually a county park in Elbert County. Not as big as what you would see in a Georgia State Park, it is still a worthwhile visit with some really nice lakefront sites.




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I really like the format you post about places you've stayed. I think I'll adapt your style!
We ended up back at BB this past weekend. Few updated photos from our sites. This time we were in pull-through site #4 and back-in site #5. The pull-through was a little tighter than my friend felt comfortable with, so we backed her larger trailer in.

As a connectivity update. WiFi was stable enough to stream a Braves game for the wife through our travel router.

If you have AT&T for cell/data, you will have NO connectivity. Every now and then it will let an SMS through but you're not making a call or getting data. Verizon is a tiny bit better, but still not great.

Yes, I use a 50 amp adapter when available. Here where it is hot and the AC runs non stop my rig will juuuussttt exceed a 30 amp breaker whenever we take a shower and use the water heater a lot. 100% of the time it will pop the breaker on the pedestal. Using the 50amp connection keeps me from having to jump out of the shower and turn the breaker back on.


Entrance to Site #4


5/6/7 From Above


4 From Above


5 From above


Looking back up at site 5 over doggo's head


Tame Doe that wanders around the park. Don't know anything about her, but she is friendly and let you pet her if you want. She seemed to love doggo's food as well.

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I emailed the campground when we got back from the last trip, they just answered my email about the deer.

She must've had the babies just before we stayed there. Would have been cool to see them too, had to have been close.

The deer's name is Bobby Jean. She was found in a field and brought to the park, because they knew she would be safe here. So, we are all she has ever known. She is very friendly, and has become an asset to the park. About five or six weeks ago, she had twins! She seems to be a good Mama to them. Don't ever be afraid of her, because she is not afraid of you.