did I say the belt was a PITA?
no room whatsoever to get at it... and it is a really tight fit to get it on the last pulley even with the tensioner disengaged as much as possible but since I had water pump out, I also removed the tensioner. The way it is desgned you have to get the belt between the front of the engine and the tensioner, might be 1/4" on clearance.. so the tensioner pretty much has to be removed or you are going to fight the belt in an area where you can hardly reach.
the belt has to go over the idler and below the idler and down on the drivers side around PS pump, then around the fan hub and then the crankshaft, almost zero room... once you get that end of it on, you get the right side of the engine in a loop, then put the tensioner back in and it can go around the AC comp, the alternator, the water pump and the tensioner.
one thing I can say for sure is if this sucker broke on the road it would be a royal job to do on the side of the road..