Levelmate Pro - level from your phone


Staff member
I think this gadget is a pretty good idea. Who knows how many times I went back into the Airstream to look at the level and the 5th wheel gets almost level on it's own, but not quite. I could use the Levelmate with both types of trailers.

I wish I could find their own website.


I have the one by Beech Lane. Been working great for me.

I suspect the Levelmate is the same, but for the Beech Lane one, I actually have it set to where I like my trailer to be, which is ever so slightly tongue high. You can set everything to be dead level if you like. All you do is get the trailer set to where you want it once, and then hit the calibrate button, that is the setting the box remembers. You don't even really have to install it perfectly since you calibrate that out on the first use. I've got mine installed right next to my control panel. At some point I'm going to install a battery eliminator in it since I have 12v power just on the other side of it. Not that it chews through batteries, I just don't want to have to think about it.

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I use a bio-mechanical system: wife + torpedo level. So many ways to spend 💰;)

Side note: on our little getaway trip this past week for the first time ever the trailer was level side to side & fore/aft when I cleared the ball. Just put down the stabilizers.
that self leveler lookslike like a definite "must have" for the smokestack sailors of the RV world.

whole topic makes me think of the obsession some have of making everything harder than it has to be.. :)

To be clear neither one of these devices is connected to auto leveling correct? They save you from walking back and forth.
Side note: on our little getaway trip this past week for the first time ever the trailer was level side to side & fore/aft when I cleared the ball. Just put down the stabilizers.
That has never happened to anyone before ever, and will never happen to anyone again. Go buy a lottery ticket now!