Hello from Illinois and welcome to RVTheUS

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Staff member

I started this forum because I wasn't pleased with how many other RVing forums are organized. Many other forums have great content, but as posts age and scroll further down the screen in crowded forums, the threads become difficult to find. My idea is to have a category for each state in the country and state specific interest forums within each state category. You can then click on the specific state you have interest in visiting and quickly find a topic of interest or post a question. If you have any suggestions to improve this site, feel free to post or PM.


North Carolina here. Been camping since i was a kid. On our third travel trailer. My wife did not like tent camping!
Washington State here. I have some type of RV/trailer for the last 16 year. I am Travel Trailer #2, we started in a 24 foot class a P30 Motorhome. Site looks good Wayne.
Australia here, I’ve been camping light since my youth, on foot or on motorcycle, time to learn how to do it in style.
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