Best route around/through Indianapolis from north to south on I-65?


Staff member
We'll be pulling the trailer through Indianapolis soon from north to south on I-65. I haven't been in Indy for years, so I have no idea what we're getting ourselves into. Any suggestions?
Given the current CVD19 traffic, there's not really any "bad" route through Indy.

You can find construction info here:

Generally you have two choices from that direction; direct and indirect
Direct- just follow I-65 all the way through town. Pay attention to the signs in downtown, as there are some lane changes to be aware of, but nothing difficult.
Indirect- once you get to I-465 on the NW side of Indy, take the south I-465 choice along the west side of Indy, and then follow it along the south side of Indy, and then rejoin I-65 at the south side of the loop.

What I would try to do is avoid the Indy area at any rush-hour time, if you can. Indy traffic is not nearly as bad as Chicago and the Region, but it still can be annoyingly slow and "caterpillar" along at certain times. However I have not been out driving in Indy for nearly two months how; working from home since mid-March due to CVD19. So, it's entirely possible that there are no real concerns with the traffic reduction.
I looked and am unsure of the "best" route around Indy like 231. We've found if we have time it's much more enjoyable to just stay off the interstates, but time will be a factor this trip. We'll either take 65 or 465 and probably look at Google maps for congestion and take the least congested route.

Thanks for the input