Arriving to a campground after dark


Staff member
When we started camping a couple years ago, I had read that some people have a rule that they will not arrive after dark. Being new, I didn't really see what the big deal is, ignorance is bliss.

After a couple years of camping and dozens of campgrounds and arriving a couple time after dark, it's now clear why some people would rather boondock at the local Walmart than try to find their site and get setup in the dark.

We've done it a couple times and it will cure you very quickly of wanting to do it again. There is nothing like arriving after the office closes, trying to navigate to your site using a map that barely resembles the campground, while doing it in the dark and trying not to wake anyone that might be sleeping. Oh, and trying not to run into or back into anything.

We have a couple simple rules. First, do whatever it takes not to arrive after dark. If you have no choice, then get to your site as quietly as possible and don't set anything up until morning, except plugging into the power.

What advice do you have about arriving in the dark?
I do that frequently, as i often cannot get off work early on fridays . I usually go to campgrounds i know well. I walk my site before backing onto it.
I have my wife hold a flashlight on the ground, so i can see an aim point for backing.

I had to get used to the new trailer having a deeper slide than my previous trailer. First time or to, i backed to close to the power pole to get the slide out.

1. Don't go to unfamiliar complex campgrounds for the first time, after dark.
2. Have someone hold a light on the ground for a point of reference/to avoid trees.
3. Walk the site a moment with a light before backing into it.
4. Keep the dogs in the truck until you are done backing lol.
We also call each other on the phone so communication is easy and clear. Before I back in I will mark the ground where I want the wheels to be and where I want the back of the trailer.

Your point of always walking the site is a good one, avoids the oops moments, which can be very expensive.
GOAL! Get Out And Look. I always do but at night I have a big light on the bumper of my trailer wired into 12 volts. I have it on switch. I will turn that one so I can see. It helps most times.
It is rare I get to a site after dark. I have to plan my trips about 9 months months in advance and works knows not to mess with my camping as it is really the only time I take off.
We've done the after dark thing and it's much easier with a trailer than a pop-up. We try hard to avoid it, no way to start a weekend or end a day of driving. We once went to a boondock gathering and people were arriving until 1 am from Phoenix then standing around visiting and/or unloading their toys from their toy hauler so they could set up the trailer for living. Declined the next year.
We once went to a boondock gathering and people were arriving until 1 am from Phoenix then standing around visiting and/or unloading their toys from their toy hauler so they could set up the trailer for living.
We are of the early to bed, early to rise ilk. It's very annoying to have noisy neighbors when you're trying to sleep.