a tale of 3 drive belts..


Well-known member
belt on the left is from a Nissan Versa with 90k miles.
center belt is from Ram Cummins with 150k miles
right belt is from a Camaro with 96k miles
Versa belt is the shortest belt of the 3 and definitely shows the most use
Cummins belt is longest by a country mile, drives the most accessories and looks pretty good
Camaro belt was also in really good condition.

other observation is size of the belt has little to do with price
the Gates belt for the Cummins was less than the Continental Belt for the Nissan..
Camaro was in between in price, also a Gates.

3rd observation is the Camaro was EZ
Nissan was a bit of a pain simply because you have to remove right wheel and plastic wheel housing
but the Cummins was a PITA, not only because of tight clearances but because it snakes around a lot of accessories.

1 belt.JPG

1 belts.JPG
Interesting that all don't look like the left one. All of ours that I've changed out around 100k looked like the left one. But they are close to the same length. The replacements though didn't last as long as the factories. I've put 2 belts on the Escape and Focus both close to 190k, the rest only one change but their closer to 100k.
I wonder why one rib on the Cummins belt looks so much worse than the others?
I wonder why one rib on the Cummins belt looks so much worse than the others?
the belt on the right is from the Camaro.. but its just one of those things that none of us will ever have an answer for... it is the oldest by a long shot, GM belt on a 2012..