3D Printing and Your RV

There's a learning curve for sure, and when you get it wrong (and go to sleep) you get a mess to clean up.
I'm surprised the printer doesn't have the ability to detect that something has gone horribly wrong.
I'm surprised the printer doesn't have the ability to detect that something has gone horribly wrong.
I think some of them do. My Ender 3 is a fairly old (for technology these days) piece of kit. It mainly just executes the GCode it is sent without much brain behind it.
Ok, today's project....well, actually finishing the project, been working on it off and on forever.


Now that the solar system is up and running, I'm going back through it and cleaning it up and bulking up the wiring. I originally used a bunch of 1/0 cable I had left over from the car audio days, and it works fine, but the Victron Multiplus really needs 2 runs of 1/0 and I didn't have that much. Instead of replacing all the cable, I'm just adding another run of new 1/0. To help with cable management I came up with these clamps.



What will happen is the two blue wires will be connected to positive, and the two new black wires will take over ground duty:

Wife wanted some hanging shoe storage and I wasn't happy with the bottom just flapping around. So they are brackets for some bungee cord I had laying around to secure the bottom of the shoe garage.

Google also now thinks I'm going to off myself. I had no idea how to tie a noose knot, so I googled it. After wading through a pile of 'get help' results, I finally found the instructions.
